Looking through the exquisitely crafted stained glass windows of any church, one might think that all is well inside. Yet, the word from clergywomen is that nothing could be further from the truth.
Their commitment to God and to the people of the faith community where they serve remain intact. Yet, underneath this public veneer lie endless inequities, struggles unimaginable, and realities too long undivulged.
In this age of “Me Too,” clergywomen dig deep as they share their stories of the joys and challenges of being a woman in ministry with boldness and authenticity. In these pages, the voices of clergymen and others who stand in solidarity and support of clergywomen can also be heard.
Words of hope and suggestions of possibilities for the future call on the church to implement policies and practices that will lead to equitable treatment of clergywomen everywhere. May the church, today and tomorrow, with enhanced equity for clergywomen, reflect all humanity as created in the image of the divine.
Rev. Alfie Wines, PhD, is an Amazon bestselling author, retired United Methodist Pastor, biblical scholar, theologian, emotional motivator, transformational speaker, spiritual entrepreneur, life coach/mentor, and CEO of The Sinew Consulting Group.